By Manny Fernandez

October 19, 2019

Adding Static Routes on Different OS’s

Quick post on static routes.  Today I needed to have my MacBook connected to a wired connection after upgrading to Catalina.  On a separate issue, I had to redo all of my mailboxes and download all mail AGAIN, but I digress.  I wanted to have access to my internal network via WiFi while connected to my Gigabit Internet directly via GigE dongle.  I did not remember the syntax for the macOS to add the route.  Here is a quick cheat sheet.

These examples are temporary and once you reboot, they are gone.  The Use Case is to quickly add a route.  In my case, I am adding a route to and the next hop for that would be


In macOS, here is the command to add a static route.

sudo route -n add -net

To validate the route in macOS

netstat -r


sudo route add -net gw

To validate in Linux

ip route


route add mask

To validate in Windows

route print


I created a route script that can easily be modified for any of the OS’s except Windows.  The script is in Bash

echo "what is the destination network?"
read network
echo "what is the mask?"
read mask
echo "what is the gateway?"
read gateway

route add -net $network netmask $mask gw $gateway


echo "Go get your route on boss"

Yes, I like to have my scripts and MacBook talk to me and boost me ego 🙂

Happy Routing.

Hope this helps

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