This is a work in progress, I will be... Full Story
By Manny Fernandez
January 7, 2020

Fortinet Ports and Protocols
If you are ever wondering what ports needs to be open for various Fortinet products to interact and struggled to find them, here you go. If you are like me that has Zero trust for everyone and everything, this will work well for you. This information is available on the Fortinet Docs Site but I thought I would host it all on a single page for those that follow this site.
For the Fortigate, we can see the different pieces to which it communicates with and that communicate with it.
FortiAnalyzer or FAZ is the Centralized Logger and Reporting platform for Fortinet.
This is your Fortinet Wireless Access Points. You can see the communication between both the Cloud as well as the Fortigate.
FortiAuthenticator or FAC is the RADIUS, and Centralized Authentication Platform for Fortinet. It can be a RADIUS, MFA Manager, BYOD and Guest Portals, CA Server, 802.1x Server, etc.
FortiClient (No EPP)
FortiClient is the original version prior to the recent acquisition of EnSilo.
FortiGuard Services
FortiGuard is the service from Fortinet that does all the threat research, creates IPS, Application, Virus signatures, etc. It also hosts Fortinet’s secure DNS platforms.
FortiMail (On-Prem)
Fortimail is the second oldest Fortinet Solution, second to the Fortigate. It is a full-featured secure email platform.
FortiManager is the Fortinet Cenralized Management Platform that can manage thousands of devices from a single location.
FortiSandbox (FSA)
This is Fortinet’s Sandbox (On-Prem).
3rd Party
For all others connections not defined above.
Hope this helps
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